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Inline color measurement colorCONTROL ACS7000
The colorCONTROL ACS7000 color measuring system not only recognizes reference colors by comparison, but identifies individual colors clearly from their coordinates in the color space. With its very high measurement speeds, the colorCONTROL ACS7000 is suitable for applications where colors and shades have to be examined on-the-fly and to very high accuracies.
- Measurement speed: max. 2 kHz
- Non-contact measurements
- Measurement precision ΔE ≤ 0.08 (5 nm)
- Color spaces: XYZ; L*a*b*; L* u* v*
- Reference colors: 15 taught-in spectra
- Adjustable light source: A, C, D65, D50, D75, E, F4, F7, F11
- Standard observer: 2°, 10° (adjustable)
- Web browser operation
- Ethernet/EtherCAT, RS 422, digital I/O
Standard sensor ACS1
The standard sensor ACS1 is used for common measuring tasks. The transmitter and the receiver inside the sensor are arranged at an angle of 30°/0° to each other, producing a working distance of 50 mm. An optionally available adapter permits applying the sensor even in tactile measurements.
- Measurement distance: 50 mm / 38 mm
- Measurement geometry: 45°x:0° bzw. 30°x:0°
- Measurement spot: ø 9 mm
Circular sensor ACS2
The circular sensor ACS2 is used for color measurement of structured and highly reflective surfaces as well as lustrous metals. In the sensor, 24 lighting optics are circularly arranged around the receiving optics and provide a constant lighting permitting that the measurement can be executed independently from the angular position of the measurement object. There are two ACS2 versions with different measurement distance and spot size.
- Measurement distance: 28mm / 27.5 mm
- Measurement geometry: 45°c:0°
- Measurement spot: ø5 / 3×2 mm
Transmission sensor ACS3
The transmission sensor ACS3 is applied for measurements of self-luminous objects and transparent objects as well. Measuring the color of self-luminous objects requires only the receiver unit, whereas a transmitter and a receiver unit are necessary when detecting transparent objects. The transmitter and the receiver unit can easily be fixed by means of a mounting set.
- Measurement distance: max. 300 mm
- Measurement geometry: transmission
- Measurement spot: ø 5 / ø 9 mm (at a measurement distance up to 200 mm)
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